The Loving Legacy One Story Focus
The one story focus is our entry level package. It’s for individuals and families who have a specific story that they’d like to tell in greater depth. It offers clients an opportunity to dig deep into one topic.
Day of filming
• Setup and break down of camera, sound and lighting equipment
• Filming of family photos, family trees, genealogy records or other collections, etc. so that they never leave your presence
• Potential gathering of additional B-Roll of subject in their home space
* Some questions can be provided ahead of time as food for thought and to get the memories and stories flowing
Post production process
• Musical soundtrack added
• Editing of interview and removal of interview questions
• Integration of existing family photos into the videos
• Transformation of long form interview into approachable individual short videos (according to package)
• Uploading to password protected private webpage to share with friends and family (according to package)
• Delivery of final product in various formats in hard and digital copy (according to package)
We accept payments via cash, check, Venmo, PayPal or Zelle (in order of preference)
Half of payment is required upon hiring, and the second half of payment due upon completion of project.