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Posts tagged "elders"

Sessions in Boston and NYC in September and October

Posted by lovinglegacyvideo on July, 29, 2018

Loving Legacy Video - At Work

Loving Legacy Video will be doing interviews in Boston during the week of September 13th-20th and in NYC the week of October 14th-21st. We are currently scheduling interviews during those dates. Please share the service with friends, colleagues and family members who may be interested. The interviews are typically done in client homes and are conducted over the course of 1 day.

There’s lots of information, details, samples, and pricing throughout the pages of our website. Book now as the dates will fill up quickly. Best way to do so is by contacting us or calling 206-679-8381 to start the process. We look forward to working with you.

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Understand the process

Why Do A Loving Legacy Video? from Loving Legacy Video on Vimeo.

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A Grandfather Bequeaths a Profound Secret to his Grandson

Posted by lovinglegacyvideo on February, 9, 2017

Wow. ‘Grandpa and Me and a Helicopter to Heaven‘ is a gorgeous short documentary film about the relationship between a young boy and his dying grandfather with whom he’s close. I believe the film is in Swedish and filmed in Sweden. The film jumps back and forth between the birth and early years of the boy’s life with his grandfather, and the time they spend together while the old man is dying. There are no other people in the film until the last scene. One amazing scene involves the grandchildren touching his dead body. This short moved me to tears. A really beautiful family portrait.

Grandpa and Me and a Helicopter to Heaven from Aeon Video on Vimeo.

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